Sunday 4 August 2013

My Nail Art Collection

I have always been the horrible nail biter (I know, yucky habit). I have tried to get out of it; mum used to shout at me, slap me, I even tried the foul-tasting anti-nail biting polish that you put on the nail, but nothing ever worked. The only thing that stopped me from biting my nails were to paint them! And yes, I will still bite them if they are not painted, that's why you will never see my nails naked!

I love having cute nail designs on my nails! I have been doing them ever since I got hooked on the nail tutorial videos on YouTube. The people who do nail designs on there have inspired me so much, it made me want to have cute little designs on my nails 24/7. These are just a few that I have pictures of, hope it inspires you too =)

My cute Easter chick nails! Can't wait to do them again next Easter ^.^

I love floral nail art! They are awesome!
 I like to call this one "SAY HI TO THE BEAR". One of the cutest nail art designs I have ever done on my nails <3

Not my favourite but nice and colourful. I searched for 'easy nails' on YouTube and saw this one so I gave it a try. Nice and easy.
I was going to purchase the Nails Inc Bling it on Romance nail art kit, but then I found a really good duplicate of the bows on for a fraction of the price! So I went to hunt for a similar nail colour and found a L'Oreal pinkish grey sort of shade (forgot the shade number sorry). It turned out almost exact to the actual kit. Sorry Nails Inc!
I love my tuxedo-moustache nails! I should do this again sometime, they looked pretty cool.
I got the idea of clouds and hearts on a Japanese washi tape. And then I found out nail art YouTubers' already had that idea.

Panda nails! Haven't done these for a long time, should try it again soon.

Yummy cupcake nails. Not feeling the cupcakes recently, but it was fun doing them.

Oh and just for the record, I do all of these myself on both hands, practice makes (nearly) perfect.

